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发稿人:dleuadmin 发布时间:2006-7-5 16:52:00 浏览量:

  1. 中国旅游公司。
  National Tourism Agency

  2. 张华在中国旅游公司驻东京分公司工作。
  Zhang Hua is with NTO of China based in Tokyo.

  3. 如果有定金方面的要求的话,我们就到银行去取款。
  If there is any deposit required, we'll go to the bank to draw some money.

  4. 这家公司正在发展为一家拥有200艘船只的大型航运公司。
  This company is developing into a big shipping company with a fleet of 200 ships.

  5. 他和他哥哥外貌相似,但是性格却迥然不同。
  His appearance resembles his brother, but they have different characters.

  6. 我们今天打算在哪儿招待客人用晚餐?
  Where shall we plan to entertain our guestswith the dinner?

  7. 紫金城,又名故宫博物院,是世界上保存最好的古代皇宫。
  The Forbidden City, which is also called the National Pakace Museum, is known as the best preserved ancient imperial palace in the world.

  8. 拥有财富的人不一定拥有幸福。
  Those who possess wealth may not be sure to have happiness.

  9. 自改革开放以来,我国的城乡发生了巨大的变化。
  Since the reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in  both the rural abd urban areas in our country.

  10. 与去年相比,我国的旅游业今年又有了更大的发展。
  Compared with last year, the tour industry has a great development this year.

  11. 政府将投资巨款为偏远山区的儿童修建学校。
  The government will invest a lot of money in building schools for the children in the out of the way areas.

  12. 年轻人在即将到来的2008年奥运会上起着重要的作用。
  Young people will play an important role in the coming 21st Century.

  13. 这家旅行社组织去美洲的包价旅游团。
  This travel agency puts together the package tours to America.

  14. 我特别喜欢四川火锅。因为四川火锅很香,但就是太辣。
  I like Sichuan hot pot very much, because it's very delicious but too spicy.

  15. 张凤鸣老师的作品细致,生动,明显与其他人的作品有别。
  The exquisiteness and liveliness in Mr. Zhang Fengming's paintings set him apart from others.
